Monday, November 1, 2010

Arizona Executes Man Using Mystery Drugs

Condensed from "Arizona Chamber Execution Goes Ahead After Stay Lifted," by Chris McGreal, the Guardian, published in the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 28, 2010.  All text below is copyright McGreal/the Guardian.

LONDON -- Arizona executed a man Tuesday after the US Supreme Court lifted a stay granted when the state refused to reveal how it illicitly obtained one of the drugs used in the death chamber from a British manufacturer.
     Jeffrey Landrigan, who was convicted of the murder of Chester Dean Dyer in 1989, was pronounced dead at 10:26 pm local time.
     A federal judge put Landrigan's execution on hold on Monday after defense lawyers argued that the state's failure to reveal its supplier meant the drug might not meet US standards and that could amount to cruel and unusual punishment.
     But the ruling was [hastily] overturned by the Supreme Court, and Landrigan was put to death by lethal injection in Arizona's first execution since 2007.

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