Thursday, November 4, 2010

Malaysian Prime Minister Pushes Regional Free Trade

Condensed from "Malaysia Premier Wants ASEAN to Focus on Trade," by James Hookway, the Wall Street Journal, published in the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 30-31, 2010.  All text below is copyright Hookway/the Wall Street Journal.

HANOI -- Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak yesterday urged Asia and Pacific leaders gathering in Vietnam for an annual summit to push wider trade links in the region and not be distracted by the ongoing turmoil in the global foreign exchange markets.
     In an interview, Najib . . . said expanding free trade should remain a top priority for the region, which accounts for about half of global exports and imports.
     "I think we must all adhere to the principle of open and free trade . . . because that is the surest way in which we can ensure there is enough wealth being generated to underpin a long-term global recovery," Najib said.  "If you go towards protectionism, then definitely the world will take a turn for the worse in terms of wealth generation and even further recessions in the future."

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