Friday, October 29, 2010

Cambodian Company Takes Land from Villagers, Gives Land to Prime Minister's Son

Condensed from "Anti-Terror Center Planned in Land Concession," copyright Phann Ana, the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 28, 2010.  All text below is copyright Phann Ana/the Cambodia Daily.

     The 3,200-square-km economic land concession granted to the Pheapimex Company 13 years ago stretches over two provinces and will soon contain [] plantations the company is currently developing despite villager protests.
     But in the hills of Samakki Meanchey and Poek Phos districts in Kompong Chhang province, the concession will soon give way to something else: a new 7,000-hectare training center for the RCAF National Counterterrorism Task Force commanded by Prime Minister Hun Sen's son, Brigadier General Hun Manet.
     Commanded by the premier's son, whose star is rising in the armed forces, the counterterrorism task force enjoys a prominent place in the changing face of Cambodia's military.  . . . [T]he task force received marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat training from the US Marines 31st Marine Expiditionary Unit in 2007.
     Surrounded by the Pheapimex Concession, which is itself 31 times larger than the legal size limit established in 2005, the new training center will be in friendly territory, as the company's owners are well-known friends of the premier and his wife.

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