Condensed from “US Seeks a Wider Role for the CIA Near Afghanistan Border,” copyright Julian Barnes and Adam Entous of the Wall Street Journal, which was published in the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 25, 2010. All text below is copyright Barnes and Entous/the Wall Street Journal.
WASHINGTON – The US is pushing to expand a secret CIA effort to help Pakistan target militants in their havens near the Afghan border.
The number of CIA personnel in Pakistan has grown substantially in recent years. The push for more forces reflects, in part, the increased need for intelligence to support the CIA drone program that has killed hundreds of militants with missile strikes.
Some US officials [] remain hopeful that Islamabad will allow a greater covert presence that could include CIA paramilitary forces.
Given Pakistan's objections to US ground forces, using more CIA paramilitary forces could be a “viable option,” said a government official. “That gives them a bit of cover,” the official added, referring to the Pakistanis.
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