Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Police Say Chinese Supervisors Shot Mine Workers in Zambia

Condensed from "Zambian Miners Riot After 11 Shot at Chinese-Owned Mine," copyright Nicholas Bariyo and Sarah Childress of the Wall Street Journal, which was published in the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 19, 2010. All text below is copyright Bariyo and Childress/the Wall Street Journal.

     Zambian locals rioted and blocked a road leading to Chinese-owned Collum Coal Mine Ltd on Saturday to protest the shooting of at least 11 miners, allegedly by Chinese supervisors, during a protest over low wages, police officials said Sunday.
     On Friday, miners at Collum Coal Mine, in the Sinazongwe District of southern Zambia, demonstrated against low pay and poor working conditions. Gunshots followed, allegedly fired by two Chinese supervisors, wounding 11 miners, two of them critically, according to Zambian police and government officials.

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