Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Zimbabwe Looks to Sell off State Assets

Condensed from "Zimbabwe Hopes to Revive Struggling State Firms," copyright Reuters, published in the Cambodia Daily, Oct. 27, 2010. All text below is copyright Reuters.

HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Zimbabwe hopes to have clear plans by the end of the year on turning around 10 struggling state firms under a revived privatization drive, which a cabinet minister said was attracting foreign investors.
     State Enterprises Minister Gordon Moyo said the government had recently approved a new program to restructure, commercialize and privatize at least 10 companies and had receive interest from foreign investors.
     Moyo declined to say which companies would be privatized. Targeted firms include National Railways of Zimbabwe, AgriBank, Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company, the National Oil Company of Zimbabwe, power utility ZESA, and Air Zimbabwe.

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